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The May Rewind

Updated: Jul 17, 2024

Welcome to the May rewind (and yes, we are sorry this is a little late but we were not allowed to post until after the General Election!)

The month started with 2 of our cadets and 1 former cadet who left us to join the RAF, travelling to Buckingham Palace for their Gold Duke of Edinburgh presentation. It requires a great deal of hardwork and dedication to achieve the Gold Award so we are very proud of them. Well done to FS O'Connell and Sgt Dhayaparan and ex Cpl Stone.

Our big thing in May was a trip to Binley Fire Station, which was much enjoyed by the cadets. The cadets got to use a VR training headset, they did first aid, they had a talk about the work of the fire station, and they got to use the hose, which was probably their favourite bit. Our thanks to White Watch for their hospitality.

If you are interested in learning more about what you could get out of Air Cadets, or are already interested in joining, please feel free to get in touch! 2286 Air Cadets is always pleased to welcome potential new recruits from Coventry, aged 12 - 20, as well as potential staff and civ com members and alumni of the Squadron. If you'd like to get in touch, the Squadron can be contacted on email via or by telephone on 024 7659 2286 Tuesday and Friday evenings 7pm - 9pm.


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Westfield House Armed Reserve Centre

Swillington Road





       024 7659 2286


To join Team 2286 , you must be between 12 and 17. If you are 12 years old, you must be in year 8 in school.

We parade every Tuesday and Friday evening between 7pm and 9.30pm. 

To join, make an appointment with the OC for a parade evening for you and your parent/guardian or attend one of our open evenings. 

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