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The March Rewind

Updated: Jul 17, 2024

Welcome to our new initiative here at 2286. Each month we intend to look back at what we have been doing and what we have achieved in a monthly rewind. We hope you enjoy this snapshot!

March started with our Sector Train and Shoot Day, a chance for cadets to do their weapons handling training and then put it into action. This day saw 35 cadets attend, 22 cadets complete their training, 850 rounds fired and cadets achieve 20 blue badges (trained shot) and 8 bronzes (marksman). A truly stupendous result thanks to the hard work of the staff.

Next up, we saw Sgt O'Connell and Cpl Ryan complete 20km road marches with the Wing Road Marching team. This saw 50 cadets out and 9 achieving their Blue Road Marching badge. This requires three completed marches, 15km, 20km and 25km. Sgt O'Connell completed his badge with Cpl Ryan hoping to complete hers next month. Well done both!

Mid-month, 2286 Squadron hosted a Bronze Radio course with 6 of our cadets completing their Bronze badge and developing their radio and communications skills. Radio is always popular here at 2286, so the chance to develop skills was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Well done to them - and more sewing needed!

That same weekend Cpls Ryan and Foster achieved their Silver Leadership badges and attended a Wing SNCO Course, a chance to develop and extend their well-honed leadership skills. CWO Smith also attended the weekend, having been invited to attend the Wing Drill Instructors Course to assist. Well done to all of them!

Ramadan begun, and our Squadron Fast Day was again broken with Iftar, this year it happened before the Squadron night and we were joined by Sqn Ldr Collins, our Wing Sector Commander, and Flt Lt Atkinson, the Wing ASPIRE Officer. Fast Day gives any cadet who wants to a chance to experience what their Islamic peers go through during Ramadan and Iftar is always a chance for the Squadron community to come together.

Time for another badge, with Cdt Fitzgerald achieving his Blue instrumentalist band badge. Well done to him!

As if this all hadn't been enough, we finished the month strong with a Practice Silver Duke of Edinburgh expedition in some very challenging conditions. Well done and looking forward to your qualifying expedition in the summer!

The month has also seen us continue with the cadet's academic training, with cadets studying navigation and aircraft handling. Anyone watching, would have seen cadets practicing marshalling with torches on the drill square. We try quite hard to make the classification lessons as interesting and as engaging as possible, and several of the cadets decided marshalling was the best academic session they had had to date.

If you are interested in learning more about what you could get out of Air Cadets, or are already interested in joining, please feel free to get in touch! 2286 Air Cadets is always pleased to welcome potential new recruits from Coventry aged 12 - 20, as well as potential staff and civ com members and alumni of the Squadron. If you'd like to get in touch, the Squadron can be contacted on email via or by telephone on 024 7659 2286 Tuesday and Friday evenings 7pm - 9pm.


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Westfield House Armed Reserve Centre

Swillington Road





       024 7659 2286


To join Team 2286 , you must be between 12 and 17. If you are 12 years old, you must be in year 8 in school.

We parade every Tuesday and Friday evening between 7pm and 9.30pm. 

To join, make an appointment with the OC for a parade evening for you and your parent/guardian or attend one of our open evenings. 

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