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The April Rewind

Updated: Jul 17, 2024

Our busy March, then continued with an equally busy April. It started with Sgt Dhayaparan completing and passing his QAIC (Qualified Aerospace Instructors Course). We are all extremely proud of him and he now gets to add their coveted blue lanyard to his uniform

Then came the Sector Shooting Competition, in which we came 2nd. The day started with cadets doing AR1 (4 x 5 round groupings) and then they moved onto AR4 (deliberate shoot). This was the inaugural shoot in the competition and was very successful. Our thanks to the staff involved.

Our next weekend saw cadets taking part in two activities. Some completed a Basic Skills Weekend, learning skills such as map reading, navigation techniques, putting up tents, packing for expedition, the country code and creating route cards. The course culminated in a walk, which doubles as a Bronze Duke of Edinburgh expedition.

The same weekend, some cadets participated in the Sector Fieldcraft day, organised by 121 Squadron at Bramcote Barracks. This was much enjoyed and our thanks to 121.

The following weekend saw our first Bronze Duke of Edinburgh expedition in the Northamptonshire area. In contrast to our previous Silver, the weather was on our side and the group successfully navigated and completed their expedition, with a celebratory ice cream at the finish.

Cdt Khan also participated in the 2 day RAF Warma march at RAF Cosford and earned his Bronze road marching badge.

The end of April saw us gain a new Flight Sergeant, Thomas O'Connell being promoted after a promotion process which included a formal application and a uniform inspection and a formal board. A deserved reward for all his hard work and our congratulations.

Almost immediately after, FS O'Connell assisted with the Sector YFA Course, helping 20 cadets achieve their YFA. Well done and our thanks to him.

The end of the month, saw the cadets giving their presentations on their moon base projects. Following their completion of the Bronze space syllabus, they had researched what would be needed to build and run a moonbase and what problems they would have to resolve for this. There were some very informative presentations and clearly they had thought very deeply about how it could be done.

If you are interested in learning more about what you could get out of Air Cadets, or are already interested in joining, please feel free to get in touch! 2286 Air Cadets is always pleased to welcome potential new recruits from Coventry aged 12 - 20, as well as potential staff and civ com members and alumni of the Squadron. If you'd like to get in touch, the Squadron can be contacted on email via or by telephone on 024 7659 2286 Tuesday and Friday evenings 7pm - 9pm.


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Westfield House Armed Reserve Centre

Swillington Road





       024 7659 2286


To join Team 2286 , you must be between 12 and 17. If you are 12 years old, you must be in year 8 in school.

We parade every Tuesday and Friday evening between 7pm and 9.30pm. 

To join, make an appointment with the OC for a parade evening for you and your parent/guardian or attend one of our open evenings. 

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