What a year it's been! Welcome to our review of 2023 with 2286.
2024 has seen us have to hit the ground running as we have an annual inspection this month. However, we thought it would be good to look back over what has probably been our best year ever in terms of achievements.
Definately our biggest win was winning Wing Field Day and being presented with the Per Ardua trophy, for the Best Squadron in the Wing. This was achieved by a win in the radio Competition, 2nd in the banner and photography competitions and a 3rd for drill. Along with points for a very respectable air recognition position, first aid and ensemble entries. The Squadron was rightly proud of itself and celebrated with singing and pizza.
The last 2 years have also seen us achieve 31 Duke of Edinburgh awards, including 3 Gold awards finished last year with Buckingham Palace presentations still to come and 2 who had their Gold presentations last year. The Gold practice expedition in Wales saw cadets putting up tents in what were probably the most challenging conditions ever. With good performances from our 4 cadets, they certainly did us proud.
There were certainly plenty of badges awarded last year, with our cadets wearing an average of 5 each. In addition, to the more usual Blues and Bronzes, there were Silvers awarded in Cyber, Flying and First Aid. The year also saw Sgt Dhayaparan picked as a Flight cadet at 8AEF at RAF Cosford and Sgt Van Ristell Hall at 637VGS at Little Rissington.
The year proved quite eventful for Sgt Dhayaparan as on his 3rd time of applying, he finally got accepted on the prestigious Qualified Aerospace Instructors Course with the prospect of the coveted blue lanyard. He also got selected as the Coventry Mayor’s cadet which will mean accompanying the Mayor on some of his functions. His first outing was laying the wreaths for him at Remembrance Day.
On a more personal note, two members of our staff Fg Off Amy Seymour and L/Cpl Neil MacKay got married and we got to celebrate with them.
Our Awards Night in September as usual celebrated all our cadets achievements, with the Wing Commander, the Wing Chairman and our Sector Commander being present to hand out awards. This was also an opportunity to thank everyone who has helped make the Squadron what it is.
We hope you all have enjoyed this quick recap of last year and feel as proud of our cadets as we do. Lets hope 2024 is as successful and enjoyable.
If you are interested in learning more about what you could get out of Air Cadets, or are already interested in joining, please feel free to get in touch! 2286 Air Cadets is always pleased to welcome potential new recruits from Coventry aged 12 - 20, as well as potential staff and civ com members and alumni of the Squadron. If you'd like to get in touch, the Squadron can be contacted on email via oc.2286@rafac.mod.gov.uk or by telephone on 024 7659 2286 Tuesday and Friday evenings 7pm - 9pm.